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New Ham Gets New Radio

Robert Davies of Catskill is the latest recipient of a brand new dual band mobile radio courtesy of EGARA. Davies won the radio after passing both his Technician and General license tests at the club's January 5th VE exam session. EGARA has been giving away a new radio to one lucky applicant who passes their Tech exam as a way of helping new hams get on the air. At sessions where two or more applicants pass their Technician exam, a free raffle is held to pick the winner.

EGARA has been purchasing the radios using proceeds generated through the sale of Amateur Radio equipment that has been donated to the club. The donated gear is refurbished and then sold at Hamfests throughout the Upstate New York region. To date, the club has given away four radios to new hams who have attended its VE exam sessions. The next scheduled testing session will be in May.

Robert Davies (left) is given his new Kenwood dual band radio by EGARA President Tom Scorsone, KC2FCP.

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