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News Archive - ARRL CEO to Pay Local Visit October 17th

A Note from ARRl Eastern NY Section Manager John Fritze Jr, K2QY

I have the pleasure to announce the visit of both Tom Gallgher NY2RF (the new ARRL CEO) and our very own Mike Lisenco N2YBB (Hudson Division Director) and last but not least myself, K2QY (the new ENY Section manager) on Tuesday, October 17th at the regular TARA meeting. The Troy Amateur Radio Assoc. meets at 6:30PM at the Green island Municipal Center located on George St. just North of the Green Island Bridge at the V in the road.

Because of Mike's involvement with the Parity Act, and the time he is spending in Washington, this may be his only visit to the Northern District this year. Tom, as the new ARRL CEO, is taking time away from all his duties at the League to visit upstate too for the first time.

This is your opportunity to weigh in on all kinds of ham radio issues. We'd love to see standing room only at this meeting!

John Fritze Jr


ENY Section Manager

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